
Almost done with this one

Wow, it has been a while since I've posted a blog. Well, the season here is coming to a close and honestly I couldn't be happier. I'm so pleased with everything that has happened during the past 5 months and can't wait to get back home for 3 weeks and spend time with the family. I'm so lucky to be able to live both these lives: 1. the nomadic lifestyle where the only certainty is that my next move is only on the horizon and 2. the awesome family that waits for me at home for whenever I'm there. I couldn't ask for anything more. Yellowstone has started to get really cold. It's been below freezing the past couple of mornings that I've gotten up to go to work (and that's at 5:45...YES! I know). No snow as of yet but I think it's well on its way. The crowd here as changed too along with the climate; not so many families are out anymore but older couples and younger couples instead. This is good news to me because usually these older couples have a lot of money that they're RV'ing around the country with :) There are those occasions where the older couples are either German, French or from some other European country where tipping is unheard of. In that case...I'm screwed. Haha.

Smile, in case someone's watching!

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