
Colorado Dreaming

I've been in Colorado for a week and half now and it has been quite educational to say the least.

1. Snowboarding may look hard but it's EVEN HARDER! I tried it for the first time on Friday and twisted my ankle in the most painful way. As I was riding down I tried to change direction and my board caught some icy patch of snow and flipped me, turning my body face down but my legs and feet (which are securely strapped onto the board) were still right side up. Get the picture? OUCH! Anyway, I was a trooper and rode all the way down the mountain (it took me about an hour when it took the advanced snowboarder about 7 or 8 minutes). Anyway, I'm much better now...I've been icing the scene of the accident on and off and it's getting better.

2. Boys are gross! I already knew this having lived with Soroush for about 15 years...but our boy neighbors have become close friends and have sort of let my roommates and I into their little world where NOTHING is sacred and any bodily sound is a funny one (apparently).

3. Not working is THE WORST! I've only worked 4 days since I've been here and those days have been training days; needless to say, I'm bored out of my mind. Can't wait til I start working full time again.

Anyway, as for now, I'm cozying up to a nice and warm fireplace and drinking some hot earl grey tea, watching it flurry outside. Wish you were here!

Smile, in case someone's watching!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!! I want an action shot of you skiing!
    Love Jennifer
